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Riches beyond your wildest imagination – yes, that is right, the winner of the Apex Adventurer Tournament walks away with 10,000 platinum pieces. In my decades of adventuring, I never dreamed of holding so much wealth – let alone giving it away! I welcome you as well as any adventurer who is willing to push themselves to their limits to claim this prize and the title of Apex Adventurer. Welcome to my home, the Icosahedron Isles!

If you are not competing, I invite you to spectate, cheer, live vicariously through the lives of 12 adventurers who will compete in the first tournament overseen by me, Lord Mittens. As the Tournament Master of Ceremonies, I will ensure the tournament runs smoothly and then will regale all who are interested in the outcome of each day of competition. If you somehow miss any of my orations, stop by my library, you will find a record there.

Keep a watchful eye, you just might learn something which will aid you in a future tournament, should you find the courage to compete. And if not, I sincerely hope you find your visit to my Isles enjoyable and find yourself amazed by feats the adventurers will display during my 20-day tournament.

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